
Contribution guidelines


Issues are invaluable to the success of this project.

  • Ideas enable others to make meaningful contributions

  • Problems highlight where this project is lacking

  • With a single question, you show where contributors can improve the user experience

Thank you for creating them.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are the best way to get your ideas into this repository.

When deciding to merge a pull request, the following things are taken into account alongside the Code of Conduct:

1. Does it state intent

You should be clear with which problem you're trying to solve within your contribution.

2. Is it justified

You should justify the way the change solves the problem (i.e. why this change is better). It may also be worth mentioning alternate solutions considered but discarded, if any.

3. Is it of quality

There are no grammatical or spelling mistakes - it reads well.

Try to make sure your explanation can be understood without external resources.

Instead of giving a URL to a discussion, try to summarise the relevant points.


Many commits may form an aforementioned pull request.

This project welcomes the use of the gitmoji standard for major commits!

Commit Messages

Briefly describe your changes in present-tense, imperative style.

A good commit message is 50-72 characters in length.


Link the Code of Conduct in the README, Add navigation, Remove unused dependency...


Linked the Code of Conduct in the README, Add navigation as it was highly requested, Inverting a boolean condition...

Commit Body

You may add a supplementary, detailed commit body if you deem it necessary.

Last updated