Bot Setup

Create a Discord bot and add it to your guild

1. Creating a Bot

  1. Click "New Application" and type a meaningful name

  2. On the sidebar, navigate to the "Bot" tab

  3. Click "Add Bot" and confirm

2. Generating a Token

After adding a new bot to your application, on the same page, locate the "Token" and copy it.

Do not share this with anyone, as it will give them access to do things on behalf of the bot!

Paste the token into the bot configuration file.

	// Token used to authenticate against your Discord bot
	// ...

3. Inviting to a Guild

Now that you've created your bot, it's time to invite it to your Discord server.

  1. On the sidebar, navigate to the "OAuth2" tab

  2. Under "OAuth2" URL Generator, tick the "bot" scope

  3. A new selection of "Bot Permissions" should appear, tick all that apply

  4. Go back up to the "Scopes", copy and go to the resulting URL

  5. Select your Discord server, and click "Authorize"

4. Other Setup

These additional setup guides may not concern everyone. Feel free to skip over them.

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