Displays for how long the Minecraft server has been online.
// Displays for how long the Minecraft server has been online
"uptime": {
* A message template that is formatted and sent for the server's uptime
* Use ${uptime[:format]} for the duration
"message": "The server has been online for ${uptime} :hourglass_flowing_sand:",
// True if the command should be available for use
"enabled": true,
// Trigger name for the command
"name": "uptime",
// Any alternative trigger names for the command
"aliases": [],
// A brief description of what the command does
"help": "Shows for how long the server has been online",
// Details the correct usage of the command, e.g. <username> [count]
"usage": null,
// True if the command should be hidden from help messages
"hidden": false,
// If defined, restricts access to Discord users with the given role identifier or name
"role": null,
// The number of seconds a user must wait before using the command again
"cooldown": 0,
// To whom the cooldown applies (see https://git.io/JtpsJ)
"cooldownScope": "USER"
For how long the server has been online
1 day 5 minutes
Please refer to the templating guide for instructions on substituting player names, etc.
Displays the Minecraft server's current ticks per second.
// Displays the Minecraft server's current ticks per second
"tps": {
// True if the command should be available for use
"enabled": true,
// Trigger name for the command
"name": "tps",
// Any alternative trigger names for the command
"aliases": [
// A brief description of what the command does
"help": "Shows the server's current ticks per second",
// Details the correct usage of the command, e.g. <username> [count]
"usage": null,
// True if the command should be hidden from help messages
"hidden": false,
// If defined, restricts access to Discord users with the given role identifier or name
"role": null,
// The number of seconds a user must wait before using the command again
"cooldown": 10,
// To whom the cooldown applies (see https://git.io/JtpsJ)
"cooldownScope": "CHANNEL"