
Minecraft commands proxied through Discord

In addition to built-in commands, you can create your own custom commands. These are commands that trigger a Minecraft command to be run on the server.

The following command configuration entries are found under the custom field and all share the same options as a base command.

	// Custom Discord commands
	"custom": {
		// ...
	// ...


A custom command has two fields in addition to the shared command options.


The Minecraft command to execute on the server, e.g. /teleport {0} {1}

 * A Minecraft command to execute
 * Use {n} for the nth argument, and {} for all
"command": "/whitelist {}",





!whitelist list


/whitelist {0}

!whitelist list

/whitelist list

/whitelist {0}

!whitelist add Axieum

/whitelist add

/whitelist {1}

!whitelist add Axieum

/whitelist Axieum

/whitelist add {0}

!whitelist Axieum

/whitelist add Axieum

/whitelist {}

!whitelist a b c d

/whitelist a b c d

/whitelist {0} {}

!whitelist a b c d

/whitelist a a b c d


Controls whether command feedback is printed to the user.

// True if the execution should not provide any feedback
"quiet": false,



	// Custom Discord commands
	"custom": [
			// True if the execution should not provide any feedback
			"quiet": false,
			 * A Minecraft command to execute
			 * Use {n} for the nth argument, and {} for all
			"command": "/whitelist {}",
			// True if the command should be available for use
			"enabled": true,
			// Trigger name for the command
			"name": "whitelist",
			// Any alternative trigger names for the command
			"aliases": [
			// A brief description of what the command does
			"help": "Manages the whitelist for the server",
			// Details the correct usage of the command, e.g. <username> [count]
			"usage": "<list/add/remove> [username]",
			// True if the command should be hidden from help messages
			"hidden": false,
			// If defined, restricts access to Discord users with the given role identifier or name
			"role": "Admin",
			// The number of seconds a user must wait before using the command again
			"cooldown": 0,
			// To whom the cooldown applies (see
			"cooldownScope": "USER"
		// ...
	// ...


	// Custom Discord commands
	"custom": [
			// True if the execution should not provide any feedback
			"quiet": true,
			/* A Minecraft command to execute
			   Use {n} for the nth argument, and {} for all
			"command": "/stop",
			// True if the command should be available for use
			"enabled": true,
			// Trigger name for the command
			"name": "stop",
			// Any alternative trigger names for the command
			"aliases": [],
			// A brief description of what the command does
			"help": "Stops the server",
			// Details the correct usage of the command, e.g. <username> [count]
			"usage": null,
			// True if the command should be hidden from help messages
			"hidden": true,
			// If defined, restricts access to Discord users with the given role identifier or name
			"role": "Admin",
			// The number of seconds a user must wait before using the command again
			"cooldown": 60,
			// To whom the cooldown applies (see
			"cooldownScope": "GLOBAL"
		// ...
	// ...

Last updated